Knowledge is power. And in the hands of employees who have been asked to implement a significant change, it is the engine of that change. Knowledge occupies the space in the center of Prosci’s ADKAR model of individual change for good reason. It is the hinge on which successful change efforts turn. Here’s why: If
Digging for Hidden Treasure: Robotic Process Automation Process Discovery
Robotic Process Automation has proven to be a powerhouse when it comes to helping businesses maximize productivity. So why do many businesses still fail miserably with automation?
One of the top reasons is that they do not choose the right business processes to automate. Another is that they fail to fix a broken process before they attempt automation.
Organizational Change Management: The Critical Element – Desire
In our last Organizational Change Management (OCM) blog post, we began our breakdown of the individual elements of Prosci’s ADKAR Model, which supports the process of individual change, starting with the first “A,” Awareness. Just about everyone can recount a childhood episode when they were confronted with what seemed to them to be a forced
Harnessing The Power of RPA & AI Together
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a transformative tool, enabling repetitious, routine computer-based tasks to be run automatically. But RPA can become a yet more powerful intelligent automation tool when coupled with Artificial Intelligence (AI). Enhancing business process automations with AI enables even greater opportunities for organizations to reduce costs, improve accuracy, increase productivity, better understand
Organizational Change Management: Change Begins with Awareness
In our last Organizational Change Management (OCM) blog post, we promised to break down the individual elements of Prosci’s ADKAR Model, which supports the process of individual change. We’ll start with the first “A,” which stands for Awareness. For individuals, the process of change begins with a clear understanding of why: What is the change?
Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Choosing the Right Automation Approach
RPA is a software solution for automating mundane and repetitive computer-based business tasks. By implementing a digital workforce, companies can become more efficient and cut costs while freeing up their employees to focus on more judgement-related tasks. To be successful in setting up an RPA program, the first step on the journey is choosing the
Manage the Project? Manage the Change? Or Both?
Too often, when the topic of change management comes up, the discussion turns to managing timelines, tasks and budgets, confusing the basics of project management with the true objectives of change management. The concepts are not interchangeable, but they are linked.
What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?
You have most likely heard the terms “RPA”, “robots”, or “bots” in the news or at work, or have possibly seen articles mentioning these terms. And if you are like most people, you may have wondered, “What exactly is RPA? Is it like Bot Wars on TV?”